O' Neills Music of Ireland - letter s
Sad is My Fate
| Sailor Jack.
| Sailor Jack.
| Sailor's Hornpipe, The
| Salamanca Reel
| Same Old Story, The
| Sault's Favorite
| Sault's Own Hornpipe
| Sauntering in the Lane
| Save Me From Death.
| Scatter the Mud
| Scatter the Mud
| Scotch Mary
| Sergt Stack' Favorite
| Sergt. Cahill's Favorite
| Sergt. Early's Dream
| Sergt. Early's Jig
| Shandon Bells
| Shane O'Neill's March
| She Is Far from the Land
| She's as False as She's Fair
| Shearing the Sheep
| Sheehan's Reel
| Sheridan of Coolcanig.
| Short Grass, The
| Silken Cravat., The
| Silvermore.
| Sir Patrick Bellew's March
| Sir Philip McHugh
| Sit Around the Cheerful Hearth
| Sit Down beside Me
| Sit under My Protection
| Skipping Through the Daisies.
| Skipping Through the Daisies.
| Slattery's Fancy.
| Sleepy Maggie
| Slieve Gallen
| Slipper Hornpipe, The
| Sloan's Lamentation
| Smash The Windows
| Smash the Windows
| Smoky House, The
| Snug in the Blanket
| Son of Prosperity, The
| Sorry Too Late
| Sparkling Blue Eyes.
| Sparkling Blue Eyes.
| Spellan The Fiddler
| Spellan's Delight
| Spellan's Delight
| Spellan's Fancy
| Spellan's Fancy
| Spellan's Fiddle
| Spellan's Fiddle
| Spellan's Inspiration
| Spellan's Inspiration
| Spotted Cow, The
| Spring Into the Drink.
| St Patrick Was a Gentleman.
| St Patrick Was a Gentleman.
| Stack the Rags
| Stagger the Buck
| Storyteller, The
| Strike the Young Harp
| Strop the Razor
| Strop the Razor
| Sweep's Hornpipe, The
| Sweet Biddy Daly
| Sweet Biddy of Ballyvourney
| Sweet Killaloe
| Sweet Molly
| Sweet Molly Malone (Irish Trad.)
| Swift from the Covert
