To tune the guitar using the clip on tuner, starting with the lowest (sixth) string pick the string and notice what the tuner says. Using the sixth string as an example, if the tuner says "D", or maybe "E" but the indicator is to the left of center, then that means the note is too low (or flat) and needs to be tuned up. While playing the string twist the tuner for that string counter-clockwise. You should hear the string raise in pitch and the display on your tuner should also change. If you hear no change check to make sure you're twisting the correct tuner because you've probably turned the wrong one. If instead of going up the tone goes even lower, then twist the other way (not all tuners are the same). Likewise, if the tuner says "F" or maybe "E" but the indicator is to the right of center then the string needs to be loosened a bit, so turn the tuner clockwise. Keep moving the tuning key back and forth while checking the tuner until it is centered and the display says "E". After you are finished, check against the 8notes tuner to see if your guitar matches the online sound. After the sixth string, move to the fifth, then fourth until all six strings have been tuned.