Himno Nacional de la República Oriental del Uruguay (Uruguay National Anthem)
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About 'Himno Nacional de la República Oriental del Uruguay (Uruguay National Anthem) '

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

Orientales la Patria o la Tumba!
Libertad o con gloria morir!
Orientales la Patria o la Tumba!
Libertad o con gloria morir!
Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!
Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!
Que sabremos cumplir!
Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!
Que sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
Libertad, libertad Orientales!
Este grito a la Patria salvó.
Que a sus bravos en fieras batallas
De entusiasmo sublime inflamó.
Libertad, libertad Orientales!
Este grito a la Patria salvó.
Que a sus bravos en fieras batallas
De entusiasmo sublime inflamó.
De este don sacrosanto la gloria
Merecimos: tiranos temblad!
Tiranos temblad!
Tiranos temblad!
Libertad en la lid clamaremos,
Y muriendo, también libertad!
Libertad en la lid clamaremos,
Y muriendo, también libertad!
Y muriendo, también libertad!
También libertad!
También libertad!
Orientales la Patria o la Tumba!
Libertad o con gloria morir!
Orientales la Patria o la Tumba!
Libertad o con gloria morir!
Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!
Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!
Que sabremos cumplir!
Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!
Que sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!


Orientals, the Fatherland or the grave,
Liberty or with glory we die!
Orientals, the Fatherland or the grave,
Liberty or with glory we die!
It is the vow that the soul pronounces,
and which we, heroes, will fulfill!
It is the vow that the soul pronounces,
and which we, heroes, will fulfill.
Which we will fulfill!
It is the vow that the soul pronounces,
and which we, heroes, will fulfill.
Which we will fulfill!
We will fulfill!
We will fulfill!
We will fulfill!
Liberty, Liberty, Orientals!
This cry saved the fatherland
Which her brave warriors, in fierce battles
with sublime enthusiasm fill´d.
Liberty, Liberty, Orientals!
This cry saved the fatherland
Which her brave warriors, in fierce battles
with sublime enthusiasm fill'd.
This Holy gift of Glory we have deserved
Tyrants: Tremble !
Tyrants: Tremble !
Tyrants: Tremble ! Ah!
Liberty in combat we will Cry Out!
And even dying, Freedom we shall also Shout !
Liberty in combat we will Cry Out!
And even dying, Freedom we shall also Shout !
And even dying, Freedom we shall also Shout !
Freedom we shall also Shout !
Freedom we shall also Shout !
Orientals, our nation or the grave,
Liberty or with glory we die!
Orientals, our nation or the grave,
Liberty or with glory we die!
It’s the vow that the soul pronounces,
and which we, heroes, will fulfill.
It’s the vow that the soul pronounces,
and which we, heroes, will fulfill.
Which we will fulfill!
It’s the vow that the soul pronounces,
and which we, heroes, will fulfill.
Which we will fulfill!
We will fulfill!
We will fulfill!
We will fulfill!
Tempo Marking:
Allegro =c.110 (View more music marked Allegro)
Score Key:
D major (Sounding Pitch) (View more D major Music for Violin )
Time Signature:
4/4 (View more 4/4 Music)
Number of Pages:
Intermediate Level: Recommended for Intermediate Level players
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