Teiichi Okano - Furusato (故郷)
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About 'Furusato (故郷)'

Traditional Lyrics

兎追いし 彼の山
小鮒釣りし 彼の川
夢は今も 巡りて
忘れ難き 故郷

如何にいます 父母
恙無しや 友がき
雨に風に つけても
思い出づる 故郷

志を 果たして
いつの日にか 帰らん
山は靑き 故郷
水は淸き 故郷


I chased after rabbits on that mountain.
I fished for minnow in that river.
I still dream of those days even now
Oh, how I miss my old country home.

Father and mother―are they doing well?
Is everything well with my old friends?
When the rain falls, when the wind blows,
I stop and recall of my old country home.

Some day when I have done what I set out to do,
I'll return home one of these days
Where the mountains are green, my old country home,
Where the waters are clear, my old country home.
Time Signature:
3/4 (View more 3/4 Music)
Score Key:
Bb major (Sounding Pitch) C major (Clarinet in Bb) (View more Bb major Music for Clarinet )
Tempo Marking:
Tempo rubato
Number of Pages:
Easy Level: Recommended for Beginners with some playing experience
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