I Care Not For these Ladies
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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I Care Not For these Ladies

I Care Not for These Ladies

I care not for these ladies who must be wooed and praised
Give me kind Amaryllis, the wanton country maid
O nature art disdaineth, her beauty is her own
For when we court and kiss she cries forsooth, let go
But when we come where comfort is she never will say no

These ladies must have pillows and beds by strangers bought
Give me a bower of willows with moss and leaves all wrought
And my fresh Amaryllis with milk and honey fed
For when we court and kiss she cries forsooth, let go
But when we come where comfort is she never will say no

If I love Amaryllis she brings me fruit and flowers
But if we love these ladies we must give golden showers
Give them gold that sell love but I'll have the nut brown lass
For when we court and kiss she cries forsooth, let go
But when we come where comfort is she never will say no

Note: Needless (I hope) to say, slang changes with time (Last
verse line 2) RG

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About 'I Care Not For these Ladies'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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