March Real - Himno Nacional Espanol (Spanish National Anthem)
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About 'March Real - Himno Nacional Espanol (Spanish National Anthem)'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.
The official anthem has no lyrics, but there are some attempts to add them, provided here:

Spanish lyrics

¡Viva España! Cantemos todos juntos con distinta voz y un solo corazón.
¡Viva España! Desde los verdes valles al inmenso mar, un himno de hermandad.
Ama a la Patria pues sabe abrazar, bajo su cielo azul, pueblos en libertad.
Gloria a los hijos que a la Historia dan justicia y grandeza democracia y paz.

English lyrics

Long live Spain! Let's sing together, with different voices, and only one heart.
Long live Spain! From the green valleys, to the immense sea, a hymn of brotherhood.
Love the Fatherland, which knows how to embrace, below its blue sky, people in freedom.
Glory to the sons who have given to history justice and greatness, democracy and peace
Score Key:
Eb major (Sounding Pitch) F major (Trumpet in Bb) (View more Eb major Music for Trumpet )
Tempo Marking:
Maestoso = c.80
Time Signature:
4/4 (View more 4/4 Music)
Number of Pages:
Easy Level: Recommended for Beginners with some playing experience
Trumpet  (View more Easy Trumpet Music)
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