Sullivan, Joseph J. - Where Did You Get That Hat?
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About 'Where Did You Get That Hat?'

Sullivan, Joseph J. (biography)   (sheet music)
1. Now how I came to get this hat 'tis very strange and funny
Grandfather died and left to me his property and money
And when the will it was read out they told me straight and flat
If I would have his money I must always wear his hat

Where did you get that hat?
Where did you get that tile?
Isn't it a nobby one and just the proper style?
I should like to have one just the same as that
Where e'er I go they shout: "Hello, where did you get that hat?"

2. If I go to the op'ra house, in the op'ra season
There's someone sure to shout at me without the slightest reason
If I go to a "chowder club" to have a jolly spree
There's someone at the party who is sure to shout at me:

Where did you get that hat?
Where did you get that tile?
Isn't it a nobby one and just the proper style?
I should like to have one just the same as that
Where e'er I go they shout: "Hello, where did you get that hat?"

3. At twenty-one I thought I would to my sweetheart be married
The people in the neighborhood had said too long we'd tarried
So off to church we went right quick determined to get wed
I had not long been in there when the parson to me said:

Where did you get that hat?
Where did you get that tile?
Isn't it a nobby one and just the proper style?
I should like to have one just the same as that
Where e'er I go they shout: "Hello, where did you get that hat?"

Where did you get that hat?
Where did you get that tile?
Isn't it a nobby one and just the proper style?
I should like to have one just the same as that
Where e'er I go they shout: "Hello, where did you get that hat?"
Score Key:
D major (Sounding Pitch) (View more D major Music for Violin )
Tempo Marking:
Time Signature:
2/2 (View more 2/2 Music)
Number of Pages:
Easy Level: Recommended for Beginners with some playing experience
Violin  (View more Easy Violin Music)
© Copyright 2000-2025 Red Balloon Technology Ltd (
This piece is included in the following :
Violin pieces in D major
Violin pieces in D major

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