Juan José Landaeta - Himno Nacional de Venezuela (Venezuelan National Anthem)
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About 'Himno Nacional de Venezuela (Venezuelan National Anthem)'

Landaeta, Juan José (biography)   (sheet music)
Gloria al bravo pueblo
que el yugo lanzó,
la Ley respetando
la virtud y honor.
(repetir todos)

¡Abajo cadenas! (2x)
Gritaba el señor; (2x)
y el pobre en su choza
libertad pidió.
A este santo nombre
tembló de pavor
el vil egoísmo
que otra vez triunfó.
(repetir últimas cuatro líneas)
(repetir dos ultimas lineas)

Glory to the brave people
who shook off the yoke,
The law respecting,
virtue and honour.
(repeat all)

“Down with chains!” (2x)
Shouted the Lord; (2x)
And the poor man in his hovel
For Freedom implored.
Upon this holy name
Trembled in great dread
The vile selfishness
That had once prevailed.
(repeat last four lines)
(repeat last two lines)
Time Signature:
2/4 (View more 2/4 Music)
Score Key:
A major (Sounding Pitch) (View more A major Music for Voice )
Tempo Marking:
Allegro marziale =88 (View more music marked Allegro)
Number of Pages:
Easy Level: Recommended for Beginners with some playing experience
Voice  (View more Easy Voice Music)
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