Schubert, Franz - Die Sterne Op. 96, No.1, D.939
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About 'Die Sterne Op. 96, No.1, D.939'

January 31, 1797 , Himmelpfortgrund, Austria
November 19, 1828 , Vienna
The Artist:
Franz Peter Schubert (January 31, 1797 - November 19, 1828), was an Austrian composer. He wrote some six hundred romantic songs as well as many operas, symphonies, sonatas and many other works.

Wie blitzen
Die Sterne
So hell durch die Nacht!
Bin oft schon
Vom Schlummer erwacht.

Doch schelt ich
Die lichten
Gebilde drum nicht,
Sie üben
Im Stillen
Manch heilsame Pflicht.

Sie wallen
Hoch oben
In Engelgestalt,
[Und]1 leuchten
Dem Pilger
Durch Heiden und Wald.

Sie schweben
Als Boten
Der Liebe umher
Und tragen
Oft Küsse
Weit über das Meer.

Sie blicken
Dem Dulder
Recht mild ins Gesicht
Und säumen
Die Tränen
Mit silbernem Licht.

[Sie]2 weisen
Von Gräbern
Gar tröstlich und hold
Uns hinter
Das Blaue
Mit Fingern von Gold.

So sei denn
Du strahlige Schar,
Und leuchte
Mir lange
Noch freundlich und klar.

Und wenn ich
Einst liebe,
Seid hold dem Verein,
Und euer
Lasst Segen uns sein.


How the stars
glitter so brightly
through the night!
I've often been awakened
by them
from slumber.

But I do not scold
the shining ones
for that,
For secretly
they perform
many a benevolent task.

They wander
high above
in the form of angels,
They light
the pilgrim's way
through meadow and forest.

They hover
like heralds
of love,
And often bear
far away across the sea.

They gaze
into the face of the sufferer,
And wipe
his tears
with silver light;

And direct us
away from the grave,
comfortingly and gently,
the blue sky
with golden fingers.

Now shall you
be blessed,
thou radiant throng!
And long shine
upon me
with your clear, pleasing light!

And should I
one day fall in love,
smile upon the bond,
And let
your twinkling
bless us in return.
Score Key:
D major (Sounding Pitch) (View more D major Music for Cello )
Tempo Marking:
= 120 Etwas geschwind
Time Signature:
2/4 (View more 2/4 Music)
Number of Pages:
Intermediate Level: Recommended for Intermediate Level players
© Copyright 2000-2024 Red Balloon Technology Ltd (
This piece is included in the following :
Pieces in 2-4 Time Signature
Pieces in 2-4 Time Signature
Cello pieces in D major
Cello pieces in D major

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