Ons Heemecht (Luxembourg National Anthem)
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About 'Ons Heemecht (Luxembourg National Anthem)'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.
Wou d'Uelzecht durech d'Wisen zéit,
Duerch d'Fielsen d'Sauer brécht,
Wou d'Rief laanscht d'Musel dofteg bléit,
Den Himmel Wäin ons mécht:
Dat as onst Land, fir dat mir géif
Hei nidden alles won,
Ons Heemechtsland dat mir sou déif
An onsen Hierzer dron.
Ons Heemechtsland dat mir sou déif
An onsen Hierzer dron.

O Du do uewen, deen seng Hand
Duerch d'Welt d'Natioune leet,
Behitt Du d'Lëtzebuerger Land
Vru friemem Joch a Leed;
Du hues ons all als Kanner schon
De fräie Geescht jo ginn,
Looss viru blénken d'Fräiheetssonn,
Déi mir sou laang gesinn!
Looss viru blénken d'Fräiheetssonn,
Déi mir sou laang gesinn!

Where the Alzette through meadows flows,
And pebbles the Sauer mow,
Along the Moselle bloom the vines,
As Heav'n gifts us wine:
This is the land, for honour whose,
No ordeal proves too great:
Our homeland which could never lose,
Our hearts' rank and rate.
Our homeland which could never lose,
Our hearts' rank and rate.

O Thou above, who night and day,
Guides nations with thine own hand,
Guard this, our Luxembourger land,
From alien yoke and pain!
As children, thou us bestowed,
A spirit, free, unbowed,
Let once more freedom's sun,
For now and all time glow!
Let once more freedom's sun,
For now and all time glow!
Score Key:
C major (Sounding Pitch) (View more C major Music for Piano )
Tempo Marking:
Andantino sostenuto =c.76 (View more music marked Andantino)
Time Signature:
4/4 (View more 4/4 Music)
Number of Pages:
Easy Level: Recommended for Beginners with some playing experience
Piano  (View more Easy Piano Music)
© Copyright 2000-2025 Red Balloon Technology Ltd (8notes.com)
This piece is included in the following :
Piano pieces in C major
Piano pieces in C major
Pieces in 4-4 Time Signature
Pieces in 4-4 Time Signature

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