Cannily, Cannily
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Cannily, Cannily

Cannily, Cannily
(Ewan MacColl)

Cannily, cannily, my lal bairnikie
Divn't tha cry, my lal pet
Whisht at thy greetin'
Your daddy is sleeping
It's not time to waken him yet

Soon he'll be gan thro' the shed for his engine
Soon he'll be driving his train through the night
Working for pennies for you, my lal treasure
So had the noise, hinnie, your daddy sleeps light

When tha art grown tha shalt have tha own engine
The biggest that ever was seen on the line
And aal o' wor neighbors will point to my Johnnie
And knaa he's the king o' the North Eastern Line
Copyright Stormking Music
sung by MacColl on "British Industrial Ballads"

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About 'Cannily, Cannily'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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