CardsXXX or Tom Brown
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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CardsXXX or Tom Brown

The Card Song

Ah the king will take the queen but the queen will take the knave
Well since we're all together boys more liquor shall we have.

Here's to you Tom Brown
Here's to you with all me heart
At least we'll have another glass
Before we have to part
Here's to you Tom Brown

Well the queen will take the knave but the knave will take the ten
Well since we're all together boys we'll deal them out again.

Well the knave will take the ten but the ten will take the nine
Well since we're all together boys and having a jovial time.

Well the ten will take the nine but the nine will take the eight
Well since we're all together boys let's make this a regular date.
Well the nine will take the eight but the eight will take the seven
Well here we are together boys and it sure feels like heaven.

Well the eight will take the seven but the seven will take the six
Well here we are together boys and up to our old tricks.

Well the seven will take the six but the six will take the five
We'll never stop our drinking boys as long as we're alive.

Well the six will take the five but the five will take the four
As long as we are drinking boys we'll never pass the door.

Well the five will take the four but the four will take the trey
We'll never stop our drinking boys until the break of day.

Well the four will take the trey but the trey will take the deuce
We'll never stop our drinking boys while we are on the loose.

Well the three will take the deuce but the ace will take them all
And since we're here together boys let's not go home at all.
The ace will take them all the ace will take the king
And now we're all together, boys we've just begun to sing.

Recorded by Fairport Convention on The Five Seasons

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About 'CardsXXX or Tom Brown'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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