Berlioz, Hector - Les nuits d'ete: Le spectre de la rose
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About 'Les nuits d'ete: Le spectre de la rose'
, La Cote-Saint-Andre
, Paris
The Artist:
One of the first French romantic composers and a daring creator of new orchestral sounds
Soulève ta paupière close
Qu’effleure un songe virginal;
Je suis le spectre d’une rose
Que tu portais hier au bal.
Tu me pris encore emperlée
Des pleurs d’argent de l’arrosoir,
Et parmi le fête étoilée
Tu me promenas tout le soir.
Ô toi, qui de ma mort fus cause,
Sans que tu puisses le chasser,
Toutes les nuits mon spectre rose
À ton chevet viendra danser.
Mais ne crains rien, je ne réclame
Ni messe ni De profundis;
Ce léger parfum est mon âme,
Et j’arrive du paradis.
Mon destin fut digne d’envie:
Et pour avoir un sort si beau,
Plus d’un aurait donné sa vie,
Car sur ton sein j’ai mon tombeau,
Et sur l’albâtre où je repose
Un poëte avec un baiser
Écrivit: Ci-gît une rose
Que tous les rois vont jalouser.
Lift your closed eyelid
Touched by a virginal dream;
I am the ghost of a rose
Which you wore to the ball yesterday.
You took me still
Silver tears from the watering can,
And among the starry party
You took me for a walk all night.
O you, who caused my death,
Without you being able to drive it away,
Every night my pink spectrum
At your bedside will come to dance.
But don't be afraid, I'm not claiming
Neither mass nor De profundis;
This light perfume is my soul,
And I come from paradise.
My destiny was worthy of envy:
And to have such a beautiful fate,
More than one would have given his life,
For on your bosom I have my tomb,
And on the alabaster where I rest
A poet with a kiss
Wrote: Here lies a rose
That all kings will envy.
Soulève ta paupière close
Qu’effleure un songe virginal;
Je suis le spectre d’une rose
Que tu portais hier au bal.
Tu me pris encore emperlée
Des pleurs d’argent de l’arrosoir,
Et parmi le fête étoilée
Tu me promenas tout le soir.
Ô toi, qui de ma mort fus cause,
Sans que tu puisses le chasser,
Toutes les nuits mon spectre rose
À ton chevet viendra danser.
Mais ne crains rien, je ne réclame
Ni messe ni De profundis;
Ce léger parfum est mon âme,
Et j’arrive du paradis.
Mon destin fut digne d’envie:
Et pour avoir un sort si beau,
Plus d’un aurait donné sa vie,
Car sur ton sein j’ai mon tombeau,
Et sur l’albâtre où je repose
Un poëte avec un baiser
Écrivit: Ci-gît une rose
Que tous les rois vont jalouser.
Lift your closed eyelid
Touched by a virginal dream;
I am the ghost of a rose
Which you wore to the ball yesterday.
You took me still
Silver tears from the watering can,
And among the starry party
You took me for a walk all night.
O you, who caused my death,
Without you being able to drive it away,
Every night my pink spectrum
At your bedside will come to dance.
But don't be afraid, I'm not claiming
Neither mass nor De profundis;
This light perfume is my soul,
And I come from paradise.
My destiny was worthy of envy:
And to have such a beautiful fate,
More than one would have given his life,
For on your bosom I have my tomb,
And on the alabaster where I rest
A poet with a kiss
Wrote: Here lies a rose
That all kings will envy.
Time Signature:
9/8 (
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Score Key:
C major (Sounding Pitch) A major (Alto Saxophone in Eb) (
View more C major Music for Saxophone )

Tempo Marking:
Adagio un poco lento e dolce assai (

Number of Pages:
Intermediate Level: Recommended for Intermediate Level players
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