Common Bill
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Common Bill

Common Bill

I will tell you of a fellow,
Of a fellow I have seen;
Who is neither white nor yellow,
But is altogether green;

And his name it isn't charming,
For it's only common Bill,
And he wishes me to wed him,
But I hardly think I will.

He has told me of a cottage
A cottage among the trees
And don't you think the fellow
Tumbled down upon hios knees

And the tears the creature wasted
Were enough to turn a mill
And he urges me to wed him
But I do not think I will

And he said twould be so pleasant
As we journeyed down the hill
To go hand and hand together
But I cannot think I will

He was here the other night,
And he made so long a stay
I began to think the gump-head
Would never go away;

Oh, he talked of devotion,
Of devotion pure and bright,
And don't you think the fool-killer
He nearly stayed all night.

And he wants me for to wed him,
And the very deuce is in it,
For he says if I refuse him
He cannot live a minute;

And you know the blessed Bible
It teaches not to kill,
And I've thought the matter over,
And I guess I'll marry Bill.

From American Songbag, Sandburg. Additional verses from Grieg
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About 'Common Bill'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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