Confess Jehovah
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Confess Jehovah

Confess Jehovah

Confess Jehovah thankfully
For He is good, for His Mercie
Continueth forever.
To God of gods confesse doe ye
Because His bountiful mercie
Continueth forever.
Unto the Lord of lords confess
Because His merciful kindness
Continueth forever.
To Him that doth, Himself only
Things wondrous great, for His mercie
Continueth forever.

To Him that spread the earth more high
Than waters are; for His mercie
Continueth forever.
To Him that made great lights to bee
Because His bountiful mercie
Continueth forever.
The sun to have the sovraigntie
By day, for His benign mercie
Continueth forever.
The moon and stars for sovraigntie
By night, for His benign mercie
Continueth forever.

Note: curent in early 1600s
From the Ainsworth Psalter

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About 'Confess Jehovah'

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Traditional Music of unknown author.

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