Scholefield, Clement C - The Day Thou Gavest (St. Clement)
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About 'The Day Thou Gavest (St. Clement)'

This popular tune set John Ellerton's hymn The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, is Ended. The tune is generally credited to the Rev. Clement Cotteril Scholefield (1839–1904) although there is some speculation it was actually written by Sir Arthur Sullivan of Gilbert and Sullivan fame.


The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended,
The darkness falls at Thy behest;
To Thee our morning hymns ascended,
Thy praise shall sanctify our rest.
We thank Thee that Thy church, unsleeping,
While earth rolls onward into light,
Through all the world her watch is keeping,
And rests not now by day or night.
As o'er each continent and island
The dawn leads on another day,
The voice of prayer is never silent,
Nor dies the strain of praise away.
The sun that bids us rest is waking
Our brethren 'neath the western sky,
And hour by hour fresh lips are making
Thy wondrous doings heard on high.
So be it, Lord; Thy throne shall never,
Like earth's proud empires, pass away:
Thy kingdom stands, and grows forever,
Till all Thy creatures own Thy sway.

Time Signature:
3/4 (View more 3/4 Music)
Tempo Marking:
Score Key:
F major (Sounding Pitch) G major (Trumpet in Bb) (View more F major Music for Trumpet )
Number of Pages:
Easy Level: Recommended for Beginners with some playing experience
Trumpet  (View more Easy Trumpet Music)
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