Cold Haily Rainy Night
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Cold Haily Rainy Night

Cold Haily Rainy Night

My cap is frozen to my head
My heart is like a lump of lead
My shoes are frozen to my feet
With standing at your window

Let me in the soldier cried
Cold haily rainy night
Oh let me in the soldier cried
I'll not go back again, oh

My father's walking on the street
My mother the chamber keys do keep
The doors and windows, they do creak
I dare not let you in O

Let me in the soldier cried
Cold haily rainy night
O let me in the soldier cried
For I'll not go back again O

Oh then she rose and let him in
And kissed his ruby lips and chin
And then they went to bed again
And soon he gained her favor

Then she blessed the rainy night
She rose and let him in O
Now since you had your will of me
Soldier will you marry me ?

No such thing can ever be
So fare you well for ever
Then she cursed the rainy night
Cold haily rainy night

O then she cursed the rainy night
That ever she let him in O
Then he jumped out of bed
He put his cap upon his head
And she had lost her maidenhead
And her mother heard the din O

Then she cursed the rainy night
Cold haily rainy night
O then she cursed the rainy night
That ever she let him in O

Nineteenth century broadside from Baring-Gould collection
Printed in Seeds of Love
Recorded by Steeleye Span on Please to See the King and by Planxty on
Cold Blow and the Rainy Night

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About 'Cold Haily Rainy Night'

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Traditional Music of unknown author.

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