Collector Man Blues
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Collector Man Blues

Collector Man Blues

Hey, hey, somebody knocking at my do',
Hey, hey, somebody knocking on my do',
Says it may be a collector, baby, I sure don't know.

They will try to tear your house down, Lord, and this is what he will say.
They will try to tear your house down, Lord, and this is what he will say:
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Says, I've got to have some money, 'cause you didn't give
me nothing last pay day.

Folks, one thing that I sure can't stand, (2 x)
Your children can't even play for hollin', Daddy, here come that
collector man:

I say, folks, don't buy nothin, Lord, on the installment plan.(2 x)
And you will not be worried, Lord, by no collector man.
I've begged and borrowed till my friends don' want me 'round (2 x)
I'll take Old Man Depression, and leave this no-good town.

Depression's here, they tell me it's everywhere, (2 x)
So I'm goin' back to Florida and see if Depression's there.

Oh how it would help, if I could just explain,
But Depression has me, it's bout to drive me insane.

From Hard Hitting Songs, Guthrie
From recording of Walter Roland, Melotone records.

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About 'Collector Man Blues'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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