Come To Me in Canada
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Come To Me in Canada

Come to Me in Canada

1. Across the broad Atlantic, in Canada's domain
A colonist was working for the lass he longed to gain
Inside his little cabin, he pictured day by day
The image of his sweetheart and with longing he would say:

Won't you come, come, come to me in Canada
In Canada, in Canada?
Won't you come, come, come to me in Canada
Far away across the foam?
With the church bells ringing on our wedding day
We'll ride away upon a sleigh
So if you'll be my wife we'll be happy for life
In our cozy Canadian home.

2. The lass at home was waiting to be his cherished wife
To share his little cabin and to cling to him through life
She knew that he would claim her when with fortune he was blessed
And often she would fancy he was calling from the west.

3. The colonist succeeded and the lass became his own
And now their little cabin to a larger one has grown
And as they sit together beneath the maple tree
He tells her how he called her long ago across the sea.

4. For sons of mother England who art not afraid of toil
There's health upon the prairies, there is fortune in the soil
You'll lead a life of freedom, with friends warm and true
And soon you'll send this message to the one who waits for you.

- coll. from the singing of Walter Pardon, of Suffolk, UK by
Michael Yates of the EFDSS.
note: An English/Canadian variant of the State of Illinois theme. RG

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About 'Come To Me in Canada'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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