Come O my Love
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Come O my Love

Come O My Love

Come O my love, and fare you well (2x)
You slighted me, but I wish you well.

The winter has gone, and the leaves turn green;
Your innocent face, I wish I never had seen.

The prison doors roll open wide;
Upon my coffin, they made me ride.

Come O my love, and fare you well
You slighted me, but I wish you well.

All in dark dungeons I was placed
Until the day of May eleventh I faced.

The rope was bought and the bow was swung
An innocent man you all have hung.
Come O my love, and see me die
Lift your innocent face, see me dance in the sky.

Note: I don't know a damn thing about this song. It appeared
in a paperback collection called Frankie and Johnny in 1948,
and I never forgot it: nobody else seems to remember it. RG

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About 'Come O my Love'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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