Credit Card Song
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Credit Card Song

Credit Card Song
(Mike Donald and Roger Chappell)

I've got a color telly and a brand new car
A countdown suit and a big cigar
Life's been easy and I've gone far
Since I got my credit card,
Credit card, oh credit card
Since I got my credit card

Well, I've got my strength and I've got my health
I've got access to untold wealth
I eat in style and it's all free
'Til Diners' Club catch up with me.

I want credit where credit's due,
I don't have to pay if I don't want to,
I don't worry, I don't pay,
I Barclay card my bills away.
Bills away, bills away, Barclay card my bills away.

Well, I got a Bank Statement the other day;
Dreadful sorry but I can't pay.
Mister Banker, don't be hard,
Stick it on my credit card.
Credit card, oh, credit card, stick it on my credit c:

Well, I've got a rubber pound and a rubber neck,
I've got a book of rubber cheques.
I keep the bank staff on their guard
With my bouncy, bouncy credit card
Credit card, oh, credit card, bouncy, bouncy credit card

Now you may laugh as I sing this song;
I bet you won't be laughing long.
The reason why my life's not hard: -
I've been using your credit card.
Credit card, oh, credit card, I've been using your credit card

It's your credit card, oho yeah,
It's your credit card.

copyright EFDS Publications 1974

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About 'Credit Card Song'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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