Christine Leroy
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Christine Leroy

Christine Leroy

No, brother, I'll never grow better
It is useless to tell me so now,
For my broken heart only is waiting
For its resting place under the sod.

I only was dreaming, dear brother,
How happy our home was with joy,
Till a serpent crept into our Eden
In the fair form of Christine Leroy.

I was dreaming again of our bridal
One year ago only tonight,
When I blushed'neath the gaslights above me
On my jewels and garments so white.

How she came with the face of an angel,
And she wished me a life-time of joy,
Oh my heart sinks within at the menace
In the dark eyes of Christine Leroy.

Oh the diamonds shone bright in the tresses
Falling back from her fair waxen brow,
And sparkled like stars in the gaslights,
On her fingers as white as the snow.

As she gave her soft hand to my husband
I know that he thought me a toy,
Beside the bright radiant glory
Of the beautiful Christine Leroy.

So time wore away and my husband
Grew careless and careworn each day,
And I knew 'twas the wiles of a demon
Who had artfully lured him away.

At last one bright evening I found them,
'Twas a sight my whole life to destroy,
Hand in hand, with her head on his shoulder
Sat my Harry and Christine Leroy.

So brother, be kind to your darling,
Her poor heart is stricken and faint,
Because of the wiles of a demon
'Neath the beautiful face of a saint.

When I sleep under snow drifts in winter
Where no grief nor no pain can destroy,
You can tell them they murdered me, brother,
God forgive him and Christine Leroy.

From Ozark Folksongs, Randolph.
Collected from Olga Trail, KY 1941
DT #654
Laws H31

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About 'Christine Leroy'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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