The Duke of Gordon
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument
The Duke of Gordon

The Noble Duke of Gordon O
As I was a-walking by yon sea shore
The ships they were a-sailing O
The sailors one and all they invited me on board
And the captain down to his cabin O.
Oh says the sailors we'll take her to the hall
I think it's a part of our duty O
Oh says the captain she'll stay this night wi' me
And she'll take her road in the moming O.
She stayed all the night wi' her mertry sailors all
And she's taen her road in the mornin' O
She's bidden a fareweel to her merry sailors all
And she's bound for the noble Duke O' Gordon O.
Woe be to the keys love o' your cabin door
For they torn a' my bonny muslin apron O
It's sae sair torn and sae sadly misworn
Sure it'll nae gang on in the morning O.
He's ta'en a needle from his pocket
And he's sowed up her bonny muslin apron O
He sowed it up and down and he sowed it round and round
And she's home to the noble Duke O' Gordon O.
She hadna been there three quarters O' a year
Till they spied an eek in her apron O
The servants her abused and the ladies her accused
And they bLamed her wi' the noble Duke O' Gordon O.
The mistress called her up the stair
Right early in the morning O
Says The servants do me tell and I know right well mysel'
You're with child to the noble Duke O' Gordon O.
She tumed her about wi' her back to the wall
And her face to the Duchess O' Gordon O
She answered wi' a smile, It is true I am with child
But it's no to the noble Duke O' Gordon O.
She was tripping down the stair (combin' back her yellow hair)
Right early in the morning O
She met her Captain Glen and wi' his hat into his hand
And the ships they were a-sailing O.
Oh how do you do love and how are you now
Since the night you were in our cabin O
The servants me abuse and the ladies me accuse
And they blame me wi the noble Duke O' Gordon O.
He sent for a bottle O' the reedest wine
And he drank to his bonny Betsy Gordon O
He sent for a priest and he married her neist
And he's freed her frae the noble Duke O' Gordon O.
note: tune is variant of Lass O' Fyvie; verse is sort of odd
combination of Maid on the Shore and Lass O' Fyvie. Cheerful story,
though, even if she didn't change her apron in nine months. RG
From The Grieg-Duncan Folk Song Collection
Collected from Mrs. Sangster
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