Come All You Fair and Tender Ladies
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Come All You Fair and Tender Ladies

Fair and Tender Ladies

Come all you fair and tender ladies
Take warning how you court young men
They're like a bright star on a cloudy morning
They will first appear and then they're gone

They'll tell to you some loving story
To make you think that they love you true
Straightway they'll go and court some other
Oh that's the love that they have for you

I wish I were some little sparrow
And I had wings and I could fly
I would fly away to my false true lover
And while he'll talk I would sit and cry

But I am not some little sparrow
I have no wings nor can I fly
So I'll sit down here in grief and sorrow
And try to pass my troubles by

I wish I had known before I courted
That love had been so hard to gain
I'd of locked my heart in a box of golden
And fastened it down with a silver chain

Young men never cast your eye on beauty
For beauty is a thing that will decay
For the prettiest flowers that grow in the garden
How soon they'll wither, will wither and fade away

recorded by Edna Ritchie, Jean Ritchie, etc.

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About 'Come All You Fair and Tender Ladies'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.
Number of Pages:
Intermediate Level: Recommended for Intermediate Level players

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