The Foggy Dew
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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The Foggy Dew

The Foggy Dew

When I was a bachelor, I lived all alone
I followed the roving trade
And the only thing that I ever did wrong
Was I courted a fair young maid.

I courted her for a summer season
And part of the winter too
And many's the night she rolled in my arms
All over the foggy dew

One night as I lay on my bed
As I lay fast asleep
She came to me at my bedside
And bitterly she did weep

She wept, she moaned, she tore her hair
She cried what shall I do
For tonight I'm determined to sleep with you
For fear of the foggy dew

All through the first part of that night
How we did sport and play
And through the second part of that night
She in my arms did lay

And when the daylight did appear
She cried I am undone
Oh hold your tongue you silly young thing
For the foggy dew is gone

Supposing you should have a child
Would make you laugh and smile
And supposing you should have another
Would make you think a while

And supposing you should have another
And another one or two
T'would make you leave off those foolish young tricks
That you played in the foggy dew

I loved that girl with all my heart
I loved her like my life
But in the second part of that year
She became another man's wife

I never told him of her faults
And I never intend to do
Nor of the times she rolled in my arms
All over the foggy dew

recorded by John and Tony on Dark Ships
and Sandy and Caroline Paton
DT #333
Laws O3

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About 'The Foggy Dew'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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