Friends and Neighbors
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument
Friends and Neighbors
Friends and Neighbors (Virginia's Alders)
Friends and neighbors, I am now going to leave you;
I have no doubt that you think it is strange.
But God be pleased, I never have robbed;
Neither have I done any wrong.
Oh, some may think it's for some bad action,
Some may think it's for something wrong.
While others may say, a different notion
Happened to run across my mind.
Once I courted a pretty fair maid,
And well I knew that she did love me.
But nature's cries, so all undaunted,
Caused me to cross the raging seas.
I courted her both late and early;
I courted her by night and day.
But all I earned, so fast I spent it --
Free and easy I'll jog away.
I'm going down to the Susquehana;
There I'll stop, but I will not stay.
Down at Kill's Ferry I will cross over;
To Virginia's Alders I'll mend my way.
When I arrive at Virginia's Alders,
There I'll stop and I'll stay a while,
Until I hear from my friends and neighbors
And the handsome girl I left behind.
Recorded by Lisa Null with Bill Shute on "American Primitive" and
Sara Grey & Ellie Ellis on "Making the Air Resound." Printed in
Cazden, Haufrecht, and Studer's "Folk Songs of the Catskills," and
in Cazden's "Abelard Song Book," from which both of the recorded
versions derive. The song was collected from George Edwards; the
tune is the shape note melody "Nettleton." RW
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