When I Look Tae Yon High Hills
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument
When I Look Tae Yon High Hills
When I Look tae Yon High Hills
I'm a poor rovin' lassie and my fortune's been bad
Since I feel in love wi' a brisk sailor lad
I was courted sae early by night and by day
But the lad I lo'e dearly lies a distance away
When I look tae yon high hills my laddie's no there
When I look tae yon high hills, it mak's my heart sair
When I look tae yon high hills a tear blinds ma e'e
For the lad I lo'e dearly lies a distance fae me
For it's friends and relations have all joined in one
To part me and my sailor they've done all they can
To part me and my sailor they've done all they know
But the lad I lo'e dearly, he loves me more so
There's a bunch o' blue ribbons to my love I'll prepare
And through the long summer I'll gi'e him tae wear
And when he come back I will crown him wi' joy
And I'll kiss the sweet lips o' my ain sailor boy
sung by Jean Redpath
tune from Scottish Folksinger
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