Hitch Hike Blues
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument
Hitch Hike Blues
Hitch Hike Blues
Travelin' down this lonesome road,
Travelin' down this lonesome road,
Travelin' down this lonesome road,
My old guitar is my load.
People always pass me by,
People always pass me by,
People always pass me by
I bow my head and almost cry.
I got them old Hitch Hike Blues,
I got them old Hitch Hike Blues,
I got them old Hitch Hike Blues,
I done wore out my shoes.
I am a thousand miles from home,
I am a thousand miles from home,
I am a thousand miles from home,
I'm out in the western states alone.
I'm a goin' back to Caroline,
I'm a goin' back to Caroline,
I'm a goin' back to Caroline,
To my old home I left behind.
Standin' by the old roadside,
Standin' by the old roadside,
Standin' by the old roadside,
A tryin' my best to catch a ride.
From Hard Hitting Songs, Guthrie et al
Recorded by the Hall Brothers, Bluebird B-07801-B
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