Hold the Fort
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument
Hold the Fort
Hold the Fort
chorus: Hold the fort, for we are coming
Union men be strong!
Side by side we battle onward,
Victory will come.
We meet today in Freedom's cause
And raise our voices high;
We'll join our hands in union strong
To battle or to die.
Look, my comrades, see the union
Banners flying high;
Reinforcements now appearing
Victory is nigh.
See our numbers still increasing
Hear the bugles blow;
By our union we shall triumph
Over every foe.
Fierce and long the battle rages
But we will not fear,
Help will come whene'er it's needed,
Cheer, my comrades, cheer.
A political rewrite of an 1870 gospel song by Bliss; circulated
by the Knights of Labor ca. 1890.
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