Jimmie Raeburn
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Jimmie Raeburn

Jimmy Raeburn

My name is Jimmy Raeburn, in Glasgow I was born
My place of habitation I now maun leave wi' scorn
My place of habitation I now maun gang awa'
Far frae the bonnie hills and dales of Caledonia

It was early one morning, just by the break of day
I overheard the turnkey who unto us did say
"Arise ye helpless convicts, arise ye yin an' a'
This is the day that we maun stray frae Caledonia"

We all arose, pit on oor clothes, oor herts were filled wi' grief
An' a' oor freens stood roon the coach, tae grant us nae relief
An' a' oor freens stood roon the coach, tae see us gang awa'
Tae see us leave the hills an' dales o' Caledonia

Farewell my aged mother, I'm vexed for what I've done
I hope none will upcast on you, the race that I have run
I hope God will protect you when I am far awa'
Far frae the bonnie hills and dales o' Caledonia

Farewell my aged father, he is the best o' men
And likewise my sweetheart, young Catherine is her name
Nae mair we'll walk by Clyde's clear streams, or by the
Broomielaw, Farewell my freens, ye hills and dales o' Caledonia

But oh, perchance, we'll meet again, I hope twill be above
Where hallelujahs will be sung tae Him wha reigns in love
Nae earthly judge will judge us there, but Him wha rules us all
Farewell my freens, ye hills and dales o' Caledonia

from Willie Scott Songbook

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About 'Jimmie Raeburn'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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