La Adelita
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About 'La Adelita'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.
En lo alto de una bruta serranía

Acampado se encontraba un regimiento

Y una moza que valiente lo seguía

Locamente enamorada del sargento

Popular entre la tropa era Adelita

La mujer que el sargento idolatraba

Por que a mas de ser valiente era bonita

Y hasta el mismo coronel la respetaba

Y se oía…

Que decía…

Aquel que tanto la quería…

Y si Adelita se fuera con otro

La seguiría por tierra y por mar

Si por mar en un buque de guerra

Si por tierra en tren militar

Y si Adelita quisiera ser mi esposa

Y si Adelita ya fuera mi mujer

Le compraría un vestido de seda

Para llevarla a bailar al cuartel

At the top of a gross mountains

a regiment was encamped

And one brave girl who followed him

Sergeant Lovesick

Popular among the troops was Adelita

The woman that the sergeant idolized

That besides being brave she was pretty

And even the Colonel respected her

And you could hear…

What he would say…

The one who loved her so much…

And if Adelita had gone with another

I would follow by land and by sea

If by sea, on a warship

If by land, on a military train

If Adelita wanted to be my wife

Adelita out that if my woman

I would buy a silk dress

To take her dancing to the barracks
Score Key:
Bb major (Sounding Pitch) C major (Clarinet in Bb) (View more Bb major Music for Clarinet )
Tempo Marking:
Mariachi style =c.120
Time Signature:
2/4 (View more 2/4 Music)
Number of Pages:
Intermediate Level: Recommended for Intermediate Level players
© Copyright 2000-2024 Red Balloon Technology Ltd (

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