Lovely Ann
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument
Lovely Ann

Lovely Ann
When I was young and in my prime, to the seas I had to roam.
My parents together they did combine to part me from my own.
To Belfast town I was conveyed without no more delay
And, on board of the Union, my passage paid bound for Americay.
'Twas on the fourteenth day of June from Belfast we set sail
And down the lough we bore straightway with a sweet and pleasant gale.
I bade farewell to the Shamrock Shore and the bonny banks of Bann
And to the girl I do adore, my charming lovely Ann.
Unto St. Andrews we were bound, our coast now for to clear.
Along the shores we bore away thinking no danger near.
At ten o'clock on the third night we received a dreadful shock
Our ship she struck with all her might against some unknown rock.
It's of our hard fate to lament, just now I will begin.
In discontent, some hours we spent lying south-east off Rathlin,
Then overboard our stores we threw and our cargo to the waves
And numbers to the shrouds withdrew, their precious lives to save.
The raging sea ran mountains high and dismal were the skies.
Neither light nor land did we espy and fearful were our cries.
It's there we lay till break of day. Describe our state, who can?
And, to myself, these words did say, "Adieu, sweet lovely Ann."
When we received the first glimpse of light, our boats we did employ.
Towards the shore away we bore. Our hearts did leap with joy.
And Providence proved kind to us, His name I do adore!
There was not one soul left on board; we all got safe on shore.
I'll bid farewell to Americay and to the rocks of Rathlin.
No more I'll from my country stray to cross the raging main.
I'll go and see my bonny lass down by the River Bann
And all my days with her I'll pass. She's my charming lovely Ann.
From Bonnie Bunch of Roses, Milner
Note: Milner set this tune to the song; original melody unknown
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