Isham Jones - It Had To Be You
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About 'It Had To Be You'

Why do I do just as you say
Why must I just give you your way
Why do I sigh, why don't I try to forget
It must have been that something lovers call fate
Kept me saying I have to wait
I saw them all, just couldn't fall, 'til we met

It had to be you
It had to be you
I wandered around, and finally found
The somebody who
Could make me be true
Could make me be blue
And even be glad
Just to be sad - thinking of you

Some others I've seen
Might never be mean
Might never be cross, or try to be boss
But they wouldn't do

For nobody else gave me a thrill
With all your faults, I love you still
It had to be you
Wonderful you
Had to be you

For nobody else gave me a thrill
With all your faults, I love you still
It had to be you
Wonderful you
Had to be you

Seems like dreams like I always had
Could be, should be making me glad
Why am I blue?
It's up to you to explain
I'm thinking maybe, baby, I'll go away
Someday, some way, you'll come and say it's you I need
And you'll be pleading in vain
It had to be you, had to be you
Time Signature:
2/2 (View more 2/2 Music)
Score Key:
G major (Sounding Pitch) (View more G major Music for Piano )
Tempo Marking:
~ = 110 Moderate swing
Number of Pages:
Easy Level: Recommended for Beginners with some playing experience
Piano  (View more Easy Piano Music)
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