Nine Hundred Miles
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Nine Hundred Miles

Nine Hundred Miles

Well I'm walkin' down the track, I got tears in my eyes
Tryin' to read a letter from my home

cho: If that train runs me right, I'll be home tomorrow night
'Cause it's nine hundred miles where I'm goin'.
And I hate to hear that lonesome whistle blow
'Cause I'm nine hundred miles from my home.

Well the train I ride on is a hundred coaches long
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.

I will pawn you my watch, I will pawn you my chain
Pawn you my gold diamond ring.

Well if you say so, I will railroad no more
Sidetrack my train and come home.

Recorded by Woody Guthrie

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About 'Nine Hundred Miles'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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