Mill o' Tifty's Annie
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument
Mill o' Tifty's Annie

Mill o' Tifty's Annie
At Mill O' Tifty there lived a man
In the neighborhood of Fyvie
He had a bonnie dochter dear
Whose name was Bonnie Annie
Lord Fyvie had a trumpeter
By the name o' Andrew Lammie
He had the art tae win the heart
O' Mill o' Tifty's Annie
Lord Fyvie he rade by the mill
Whaur lived Tifty's Annie
And his trumpeter rade him before
Even this same Andrew Lammie
Her mother cried her tae the door
Saying, "Come here tae me, my Annie
Did e'er ye see a bonnier man
Than the trumpeter o' Fyvie?"
Nothing she said, but sighing sore
Alas for Bonnie Annie
Love so oppressed her tender breast
Thinking on Andrew Lammie
"Love comes in at my bedside
And love lies doon aside me
Love so oppresses my tender breast
And love will waste my body
"The first time me and my love met
"Twas in the woods o' Fyvie
He ca'd me 'Mistress', I said 'No
I was Tifty's Bonnie Annie'
"It's up and doon in Tifty's den
Where the burn runs clear and bonnie
I've often gane tae meet my love
My bonnie Andrew Lammie"
Her faither cam' tae hear o' this
And a letter wrote tae Fyvie
Tae say his dochter was bewitched
By his servant Andrew Lammie
Lord Fyvie he rade by the mill
"What ails ye, Bonnie Annie?"
"It's a' for love that I maun die
For bonnie Andrew Lammie"
"Oh Tifty, Tifty gie consent
And let your dochter marry
It'll be tae ane o' higher degree
Than the trumpeter o' Fyvie
"Had she been born o' richer kin
As she is rich in beauty
I was hae ta'en the lass mysel'
And made her my ain lady"
"Oh, Fyvie's lands are far and wide
An' they are wondrous bonnie
But I wadnae gie my ain true love
No' for a' your lands o' Fyvie"
At this her faither struck her sore
And likewise did her mother
Her sisters a' they did her scorn
But waes me for her brother
Her brother struck her wondrous sore
Wi' cruel strokes and many
He broke her back on the high ha' door
A' the likin' Andrew Lammie
"Oh faither, mother, sisters a'
Why sae cruel tae your Annie?
My heart was broken first by love
Noo my brother's broke my body
"Oh mother, mother mak' my bed
An' lay my face tae Fyvie
Thus will I lie and will I die
For my ain dear Andrew Lammie"
Child #233
recorded by Jean Redpath on Song of the Seals
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