Plooman Laddies
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument
Plooman Laddies
Plooman Laddies
Doon yonder den, there's a plooman lad
an' some simmer's day he'll be a' my ain.
cho: An' sing laddie-aye, an' sing laddie-o
The plooman laddies are a' the go.
I love his teeth an' I love his skin
I love the very cairt he hurls in...
Doon yonder den I coulda gotten a merchant,
Bit a' his stuff wisna worth a groat...
Doon yonder den I coulda gotten a miller,
Bit the smell o' dust widda deen me ill...
It's ilka time I gyang tae the stack,
I hear his wheep gie the ither crack...
I see him comin' fae (frae?) yonder toon,
Wi' a' his ribbons hingin' roon an' roon...
An' noo she's gotten her plooman lad,
As bare as ever he left the ploo...
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