Reynardine (All on the mountain high)
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Reynardine (All on the mountain high)


One evening as I rambled, two miles below Pomroy,
I spied a pretty fair maiden, on on the mountain high.
I said, "My pretty fair maiden, your beauty shines so clear,
And on this lonely mountain, I'm glad to meet you here."

"I'm glad to meet you here,
I'm glad to meet you here.
And on this lonely mountain,
I'm glad to meet you here."

"Young man, I pray, be civil; my company forsake,
For to my great opinion, I fear you are a rake,
And if my parents knew of this, my life they would destroy,
For keeping of your company, all on the mountain high.


I said, "Fair maid, I am no rake, brought up in Venus' train,
And seeking of concealment, all in the judge's name.
Your beauty has ensnared me, I can't the fact deny,
And with my gun I'll guard you, all on the mountain high."


I hadn't kissed her once or twice, when she came to again,
And modestly she asked me, "Ah, sir, what is you name?"
"If you go in yonder forest, my castle there you'll find.
'Tis writ in ancient history, they call me Reynardine."


I said, "My pretty fair maiden, don't let your parents know,
For if you do they'll prove my ruin or fatal overthrow.
And if you come to look for me, perhaps you'll not me find,
For I'll be in my castle, so call for Reynardine."

Come all you pretty fair maidens, a warning take by me.
Be sure you quit your rowdy ways, and shun bad company,
For if you don't, you'll surely rue until the day you die.
Beware of meeting Reynardine, all on the mountain high.

This version is by Joe Hickerson, learned from Margaret MacArthur
(F-LFR-100), from Fred Atwood (No. 11/12 (1981) of Country Dance
and Song) is recorded on FSI-75

A very nice expose of the ballad (Laws p15) and its mysteries
and literary connections (as well as some immoral suggestions and
moral inclinations) is given by Douglas DeNatale in Vol.39, No.1
(Jan. 1980) of Western Folklore. DC

DT #341
Laws P15

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About 'Reynardine (All on the mountain high)'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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