Skillet Good and Greasy
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument
Skillet Good and Greasy
Keep My Skillet Good and Greasy
I'm goin' downtown,
Gonna get me a sack of flour;
Gonna cook it every hour,
Keep my skillet good and greasy
All the time, time, time,
Keep my skillet good and greasy all the time.
Well, if you say so,
I'll never work no more.
I'll lay around your shanty
All the time, time, time,
Lay around your shanty all the time.
Well I'm goin' down town,
Gonna get me a jug of brandy.
Gonna give it all to Nancy,
Keep her good and drunk and goozy
All the time, time, time.
Good and drunk and goozy all the time.
Recorded by Seeger, Dave Macon
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