Cheap and Superficial
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Cheap and Superficial

Cheap and Superficial
(Richard E. Levinson)

Though your hair is all in tangles,
And your make-up is a mess,
Though most of what you're drinking
Is spilling down your dress,
And to keep from falling off your barstool's
'Bout all that you can do,
I'll make my proposition,
'Cus I'm just as drunk as you.

cho: Let's do something cheap and superficial,
Let's do something that we might regret,
Let's do something shabby and insensitive,
This might be the only chance we get.

Copyright Pecos Music/Duchess Music

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About 'Cheap and Superficial'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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