Turtle Dove
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Turtle Dove

Turtle Dove (2)

It's fare you well my own true love
It's fare you well awhile.
If I go away, I will come again
If I go ten thousand miles, my dear
If I go ten thousand miles.

Ten thousand miles it is too far
To Ieave me here alone
Here I may lie, lament and cry
You cannot hear me mourn, my dear
You cannot hear me mourn.

To hear you mourn I cannot bear
Your pain I cannot ease
But if I go l will come again
When all your friends are pleased, my dear
When all your friends are pleased

Suppose my friends should ne'er be pleased
And look with an angry eye
Then I will love thee more and more
Till the stars fall from the sky, my dear
Till the stars fall from the sky.

Till the stars fall from the sky my dear
And the rocks melt with the sun
I'll never prove false to the girl I love
Till all those things be done, my dear
TiII all those things be done.

lf those things never should come to pass
So long as we do live
I'll never prove false to the girl l love
Till we both go to one grave, my dear
Till we both go to one grave.

O don`t you see that turtle dove
Sitting on yonder tree
Lamenting for her own true love
As I lament for thee, my dear
As I lament for thee.

I am like the turtle dove
Tnat flies from tree to tree
And as he waiteth for his mate
So will l wait for thee, my dear
So will I wait for thee.

When you see this remember me
And bear me in your mind
And be not like the weather cock
That changes with the wind, my dear
That changes with the wind.

The crow that is so black my dear
Shall change his color white;
If ever I prove false to thee
The day shall turn to night, my dear
The day shall turn to night.

From Seeds of Love, Sedley
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About 'Turtle Dove'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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