Whip Jamboree
Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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Whip Jamboree

Whip Jamboree

Now Cape Clear it is in sight
We'll be off Holyhead by tomorrow night,
And we'll shape our course for the Rock Light,
Oh Jenny get your oat cake done. (keep your oat cake warm)

chorus: Whip jamboree, whip jamboree,
Oh you long-tailed black man, poke it up behind me,
Whip jamboree, whip jamboree,
Oh Jenny get your oat cake done.

Now my boys we're off Holyhead;
No more salt beef, no more salt bread.
One man in the chains for to heave the lead,
Oh Jenny get your oat cake done.

Now my lads we're round the Rock,
All hammocks lashed and chests all locked.
We'll haul her into the Waterloo Dock,
Oh Jenny get your oat cake done.

Now my lads we're all in dock
We'll be off to Dan Lowrie's on the spot;
And now we'll have a good roundabout,
Oh Jenny get your oat cake done.

Note: many, many variants.(Jenny, keep your tail piece warm)
Recorded by the Boarding Party


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About 'Whip Jamboree'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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