عشت لشعب دينه الإسلام هديه القرآن
حصنتك باسم الله يا وطن
بلادي بلادي بلادي بلادي
حماك الإله شرور الزمان
أقسمنا أن نبني نعمل
نعمل نخلص نعمل نخلص
مهما عشنا نخلص نخلص
دام الأمان وعاش العلم يا إماراتنا
رمز العروبة كلنا نفديكِ بالدماء نرويكِ
نفديك بالأرواح يا وطن
Īšī bilādī ʿāš ittiḥādu ʾimārātinā
ʿIšti li-šaʿbin dīnuhu l-ʾislāmu haddyuhu l-qurʾānu
Ḥaṣṣantuka bismillah yā waṭan
Bilādī bilādī bilādī bilādī
Ḥamāki l-ʾilāhu šurūra z-zamān
ʾAqsamnā ʾan nabniya naʿmal
Naʿmal nuxliṣ naʿmal nuxliṣ
Mahmā ʿišnā nuxliṣ nuxliṣ
Dām al-ʾamānu wa ʿāš al-ʿalam yā ʾimārātinā
Ramz al-ʿurūbati kullunā nafdīki bid-dimāʾ narwīki
Nafdīka bil-ʾarwāḥ yā waṭan
English Translation:
Long live my country, the unity of our Emirates lives.
You've lived for the nation's faith of Islam and guide of Quran.
I've made you stronger in God's name, oh homeland.
My country, my country, my country, my country.
God protected you from the evils of time.
We have sworn to build and work –
work earnestly, work earnestly.
As long as we live, we will be sincere.
The safety has lasted, the flag has lived, oh our Emirates!
The symbol of Arabism: we all sacrifice for you and give you our blood;
For you we sacrifice with our souls, oh homeland!